@article{oai:nakamura-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001014, author = {山田, 啓一 and Yamada, Keiichi}, issue = {2}, journal = {流通科学研究, Journal of Faculty of Business, Marketing and Distribution}, month = {Mar}, note = {In a turbulent environment, an organization has to have "organizational learning" to match its internal resources and make itself effective to the external environment for its survival or growth. In interorganizational relationships, groups of organizations also have to do so. In this regard, in this paper, I will take up and illustrate subjects of interorganizational communications, interorganizational learning, and knowledge acquisition (creation, transfer and transformation) in interorganizational relationships., 5, KJ00000735562, 論文, Article}, title = {Interorganizational Communication and Learning : How Organizations Learn and Acquire Knowledge}, volume = {2}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ヤマダ, ケイイチ} }